There are two things we need to have before we create some awesome web scraper. A driver, in this case, I’ll be using chromedriver and the library selenium. The goal with this notebook is to build a browser that lets us click.

import os
from selenium import webdriver
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as ec
from import By

Select the path to the chromedriver.exe file this will create the driver and it will load the browser. In my case the path is in the current working directory.

# webdriver
patch = os.getcwd() + "\\" + "chromedriver.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(patch)

The driver has some in build functions as .get(), and if we input an address, the browser will load that page.

# load_page
address = ''

There’s also one crucial future, selenium supports “loading time” and can wait until a page/element is loaded. Here we select a waiting time of two seconds.

# WebDriverWait with 2 sec delay
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 2)

To test this feature, we will be trying to click on a bottom that exists and one that doesn’t. We will notice that the one that doesn’t exist will return a timeout exception.

# xPath
xpath_working = '//*[@id="section-menu-btn"]'
xpath_notworking = '//*[@id="section-menu-btn"]sdadsadw'
# not-clickable
button = wait.until(ec.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, xpath_notworking)))

TimeoutException                          Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-6-1e255f4f28f8> in <module>()
      1 # not-clickable
----> 2 button = wait.until(ec.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, xpath_notworking)))

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\support\ in until(self, method, message)
     78             if time.time() > end_time:
     79                 break
---> 80         raise TimeoutException(message, screen, stacktrace)
     82     def until_not(self, method, message=''):

TimeoutException: Message:

So we surround it with a try/except.

# Not working
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
    button = wait.until(ec.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, xpath_notworking)))
except TimeoutException as ex:
    error_log = "TimeoutException {0} ".format(ex)
TimeoutException Message:
# Working
    button = wait.until(ec.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, xpath_working)))
except TimeoutException as ex:
    error_log = "TimeoutException {0} ".format(ex)
# click
# Shutdown

In the next part I’ll create a class to make it more beautiful and easy to control. We will surround it with a decorator, and if you are new to decorators, I have a short example on that too.